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Studies on this Web Page are
on the following Topics and More

1) God's Holy Lunar Calendar System

2) The Roman Julian Calendar System

3) Biblical Prophetic Week of Years

4) Biblical Prophetic Year

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Below is look at Some of the Studies on this Webpage

1) How God's Holy Lunar Calendar System works and his Calendar is Based on Lunar Months and Years.

2) The Roman Julian Calendar System is 365 Days Per Year or 366 Days Per Year when One Leap Day is added every 4 Years.

3) The Biblical Prophetic Week of Years is a Time Period that is 2,520 Days Long Per Prophetic Week.

4) The Biblical Prophetic Week of Years is also equal and equivalent to 7 Biblical Prophetic Years.

5) One Biblical Prophetic Year has 360 Days Per One Year;

Also the Biblical Prophetic Year has 12 Months Per Year with each Month Being 30 Days Long Per Month! {12 Months x 30 Days = 360 Days}

How God's Holy Calendar System Works

Plus the Biblical Prophetic Week and Year

For starters below is an overview of the

"Biblical Prophetic Week" and "Biblical Prophetic Year"

"7 x 1 Week = 7 Years"

"7 x 69 Weeks = 483 Years"

"70 x 70 Weeks = 490 Years"

"12 Months x 30 Days = 360 Days"

"360 Days x 483 Years = 173,880 Days"

And further below more details on the

"Biblical Prophetic Weeks" and "Biblical Prophetic Years"

A) The Biblical Prophetic Year of 360 Days Per Year is not Based on any Calendar System of this World.

B) The Prophetic Year was Revealed to one of Jesus Christ's Apostles, Saint John of the Gospel of John etc. and who also wrote the Holy Bible's Book of Revelation.

Holy Bible Book of Revelation 11:2-3

11:2) But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

11:3) And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore (60) days, clothed in sackcloth.

C) The Biblical Prophetic Year has 360 Days Per Year and also has 12 Months Per Year and each Month is 30 Days Long Per Month.

Now look a at the qoute from the Book of Revelation is that 1,260 Days Divided by 42 Months = 30 Days Per Months times 12 Months = One Prophetic Year of 360 Days Per Year.

D) The Biblical Prophetic Week in Days is 2,520 Days
Per 7 Prophetic Years.

E) The Biblical Prophetic Week of Years is a Biblical Prophetic Timeline that Covers 2 Specific Periods of the Timeline of the Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks.

F) The 1st Period of the Timeline of the Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks will last for 69 Biblical Prophetic Weeks of Years and in Days that Period of Tineline is 173,880 Consecutive Days Long.

G) And the final 2nd Period of the Timeline of the Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks will last for One Biblical Prophetic Week of Years and in Days that Period of the Timeline is 2,520 Consecutive Days Long.

A)  God's visually observed Lunar Calendar Months have 29 or 30 days per Month and every 2 or 3 Years there's a Leap Year with 13 Lunar Months per Year.

B)  And those Lunar Leap Years per Year have 384 or 385 days per Year instead of the Regular Lunar Year that has 12 Lunar Months per Year which have 354 or 355 days per Year.

C)  The Beginning of a Lunar Month on God's Lunar Calendar System Starts at the time of the new astronomical new moon when the moon's visualbility is at or near 0% of the moon's visible light as viewed from the earth.

D)  God's Lunar Months mostly end one day before or sometimes on the Astronomical New Moon.

* More Details on the Lunar Leap Month System later.

1)  The Lord God Almighty uses his lunar calendar for his 7 Holy Feasts and those 7 Holy Feasts are observed annually.

2)  The 1st feast is called the Passover and begins in the Hebrew month of Nisan on the beginning of the 14th Day of the month of Nisan and the day begins at Sunset.

3)  And the month of Nisan is the 1st month on God's Holy Lunar Calendar System. And the month of Nisan starts on the Roman Julian Calendar in the months of March or April.

4)  March 17th 445 B.C. is Nisan 5th 445 B.C. on God's Hebrew Lunar Calendar System.

5)  And the Biblical Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel Started on Monday March 17th 445 B.C. and also it was Nisan the 5th Day of the Month in the Year 445 B.C. too.

6)  Some Say that the number 5 is the number for God's Grace.

7)  And the end date of the 1st 69 Biblical Prophetic Weeks of Years the Porphecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel ended on Sunday April 6th in the Year 32 A.D. according to the Roman Julian Calendar System and on the God's Hebrew Lunar Calendar System it was the 9th Day of the Month of Nisan also being in the Year 32 A.D. too.

An Example from the Holy Bible God's Word for when the Lunar Biblical Month begins and start from The Gospel of John.

Also Read the Notes from Chapter 7 of the Gospel of John and this Study is below:

Gospel of John Chapter 7:1-2,14

1) After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

2) Now the Jew's feast of tabernacles was at hand.

14) Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.

End of Bible quotes.

A) On God's Holy Lunar Calendar System the 7th Month is know as the Hebrew Month called the Month of Tishrei.

B) And in the Year 31 A.D. the 1st Day of the Month of Tishrei Began according to the Roman Julian Calendar System at Sunset on Tuesday September 4th and ended at Sunset Wednesday September 5th in the year of 31 A.D.

C) And in that Year 31 A.D. Jesus Christ was attending the Feast of Tabernacles and it was in the midst of the Feast of Tabernacles which also is the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast Tabernacles.

D) And the 4th Day of the Feast Tabernacles according to the God's Hebrew Lunar Calendar was on the 18th Day of the Month of Tishrei and it was also the Jewish Sabbath Day too and it was the Year 31 A.D. and according to the Roman Julian Calendar that Sabbath Day was Saturday September 22nd in the Year 31 A.D.

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New Moon 31 A.D.

1) God's Holy Months are Lunar Months, But one question is when Does a Lunar Month start?

2) In the New Testament Bible and 1st Century Historical Record there is evidence to support the view point on when do Holy Bible Lunar Months begin and that evidence supports that the Biblical Lunar Month probably begins on "Astronomical New Moon" and an Astronomical New Moon occurs when the Moon is at 0% Visibility from the earth every 29 or 30 Calendar Days of 24 Hour Per Day.

3) Check out the artical on Ancient Egyptian Lunar Calendar that's the Calendar System that was in use during the Holy Bible's Exodus from Egypt over probably 3,500 Years ago and the Holy Bible's Religious Calendar after the Exodus does have some differnces like names of months and start of a new year etc. and which the Religious Calendar after the Exodus it's new year begins in the Hebrew Month of Nisan.

Click Tap To Read about Egyptian Lunar Calendar at

Below are some examples on the Biblical Holy
Lunar Calendar which may not be 100% accurate .

Now lets Look at God's Holy Calendar Months
on the Roman Gregorian Calendar System below
for the Gregorian Calendar Year of 2019 A.D.
And Jewish Hebrew Year may be 5779 A.M.

Months Begin on Astronomical New Moon
and Months are either 29 or 30 Days Long.

God's Holy Calendar Days begin at Sunset and
end at Sunset and then another new Day starts.

God's Hebrew Month of Tammuz
is 29 Days long in the example below
and sometimes could be 30 Days long.

God's Hebrew Month of Ab
is 30 Days long in the example below
and sometimes could be 29 Days long.

The Timeline Below is for the Biblical Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years. The start Date for Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy is Monday March 17th 445 B.C.

 And the 1st 69 Weeks of Years of the Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel end Date was on Palm Sunday April 6th 32 A.D.  and those 1st 69 Weeks of Years in Days are equal to 173,880 Consecutive days total on the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System.

Use Either Date Duration Tools Below
To check Prophecy's Timeline
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BC & AD Timeline Date Calculator
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Use April 7th becasue April 6th would not be includued in the count!

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First Enter 03/17/0445 B.C. Start Date
Next add one extra day to the end date
Change April 6th to April 7th (04/07/0032 A.D.) for End Date

Why; Because April 6th would not be includued in the count!

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The Commandment to rebuild the city of Jerusalem Began on the 5th Day of The Hebrew Month of Nisan in the Year was 445 B.C. on the God's Calendar

The Hebrew day begins at Sunset
And ends at Sunset the next day.

On the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar from Sunset to Sunset the 5h Day of the Hebrew Month of Nisan began at Sunset Sunday March 16th 445 B.C. and ended at Sunset Monday March 17th 445 B.C.

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